New Energy
Vacuum Offline Sipping Detection System
This system is used for the detection of fuel assembly damage in nuclear power plants. The vacuum sipping detection technology is adopted to detect the activity of specific radio nuclides (85Kr and 133Xe) through gas sample detection. It can accurately determine whether the fuel assembly is damaged and calculate the size of the assembly breach to determine the tightness of the fuel assembly cladding.
Technological advantages :
1. With NaI scintillator being replaced by LaBr3, the energy resolution is increased from 7% to 3%. The detection efficiency is also greatly improved.
2. The minimum detection limit is up to 10Bq/L.
3. Combined detection of both γ and β.
4. Two types of cleaning circuits.

Performance Data :
Energy Range: 60Kev〜10Mev
Energy Resolution: <3%(137Cs 661kev)
Energy Spectrum Range: 8192、4096、2048、1024。
Detection Limit: 10Bq / L